Get chance to design your own website, this Internship will offer you to work on different concept of Website Designing: HTML 5, Boot strap 4, Responsive web design, Media Queries, Photoshop, Notepad++ , including these you get to manage your own website that will increase your proficiency and broaden imagination.
8-12 Weeks
Number of opening
Several factors such as consistency, colours, typography, imagery, simplicity and functionality all contribute to good website design. When designing a website there are many key factors that will contribute to how it is perceived. Including all these HTML 5, Boot step 4, Responsive web design, Media Queries, Photoshop, Notepad++ you should have good hand in these concepts.
Career options in website designing are as a Web Designer, Front end Developer, UI Designer, UX Designer, Interaction Designer, and Full Stack Developer. Out of these roles, Full Stack Developers and UI Developers are the best-salaried roles.
The average base pay for a Web Developer is $75,487 in 2019. Including, cash compensation like bonuses and profit sharing, can be $803 - $13,113. Being able to create your own designs for your webpage can help you increase your earning potential where you can be rewarded more except your package.
This industry has grown so much in last decades and growing with much more faster speed. The web industry is one of the most profitable businesses in the present-day world. The industry that is known for its web development has created a world where information is abundance and available for anyone at anytime and it is believe to be grown with faster pace and will take over half of the business development essential part.
UX Designer, UI Designer, Front end developer, Back end developer, Web application developer, senior web analyst, Web marketing analyst are some of the job types you can peruse after completing your Internship.
Being a Web Designer requires multiple skills not everybody can have, and the more things you are capable of, the more chances you have to get a good job. This is the key to for every business for growth with faster speed and to maintain a good image of them on the digital world, but in web design it is crucial if you plan on doing this on a long-term basis. You can count this job as a successful career option.
Some other courses students can add to their website designing courses. In these courses you will be learning about the basic of web designing and the subjects and languages you will learn in this course include HTML, CSS, Php, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Word press etc all these courses will have duration of 6 months to one year.
Things I have valued most about my internship at Smart Logics include, the nice and supportive working environment. It was a wonderful opportunity to learn and get better understanding of the culture of the company
What really makes Smart Logics different is the environment. It is very laid-back, but no one slacks off. Most importantly, you are not seen as just an intern, but as a member of the Smart Logics family.
I am so grateful to say that Smart Logics Marketing allowed me to experiment and explore new business ideas as well.
Through this internship I researched the stage, and used a self-educating approach in learning more about the value of social media, and the analytical tools available for any business.
I feel like I have learned some very essential techniques that will allow me to become an active member of almost any live projects running
Through this internship, I was able to not only learn about different programs and tools, but was able make a direct impact on how the company grows and develops a relationship with a group of professionals.
Everything is perfect. It is a dream internship ahah!
This internship give me an edge upon graduation and getting into the industry, I already have the basic knowledge on the environment and how it works and would easily fit in.
My experience at Smart Logics Consulting has been invaluable and will guide me through my internship, along with the example of leadership of Amit sir and Mayank sir that was set before me.
My intern experience was very educational. I learned something new every day. I have a better understanding of what it takes to be an engineer and learned even more than I had hoped to gain.